
Everything Will Be Ok.

Hey all.  Just a quick note of appreciation and the desire to share my pride in all of Allure staff.  While all of our stores have been forced to close and many of our employees furloughed, WE continue to answer our phones, engage in Live Chats via our website and take customer orders.  Many of our staff refuse to not stay involved, every single day, even though there has been less to do during this crisis.  They care as much as I do... maybe even more.  While a lot of business owners sometimes make the mistake of looking at an organization as their life's work or their success, don't for one second think that others don't too.  It's all about pride... their pride.  Am I proud of the success of Allure as a company, as a thing?  Of course.  Today, however, I can see pride more clearly than ever in the pride of people.  Each one.

Through all of this, my hope is that humanity will start to look more closely at the individual instead of the "business."  How many times have we become frustrated with someone at a large company (with too much red tape) when that person is truly trying to do their best?   It happens all the time.  My hope is that in the future, we will look past that company and recognize that these people have families, desires, passion, love and pride in what they do.  This can be hard to do sometimes.  I make a lot of mistakes and will continue to make a lot of mistakes but the one thing I hope to never do again is see past the person, him or herself.  I, like everyone else, am very worried about family, friends and co-workers but I have NEVER been more grateful, thankful, awed and inspired than I am right now.  Thank you to all my staff now and the ones that will be back in the very near future.  You are a gift that I will never forget and lose sight of.  


PS. And to our loyal customers who are getting us through this.  Your words of encouragement have been humbling and inspiring.  Thank you so much!


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